• $68.00

Choose Desert Harvest for scientifically researched products in pelvic, urinary, sexual health, and radiation therapy recovery.

Desert Harvest Super-Strength Aloe Vera Capsules contain the highest freeze-dried concentration of organically grown Aloe Vera.  We use no pesticides, herbicides, or fillers. Our patented process removes all water, insoluble fiber, and anthraquinones (laxatives including aloin) and retains the pure, potent nutrients; amino acids, mucopolysaccharides, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and enzymes. Aloe Vera’s mucopolysaccharides, also known as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), are the components studied and indicated to support bladder health.

Aloe vera also contains acemannan, a polysaccharide chain of d-mannose molecules. Clinical trials in Europe show that d-mannose may support urinary tract health. Research suggests that d-mannose stops certain bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls. Scientists believe the bacteria stick to the sugar instead, which helps them leave the body through urine. Fewer bacteria in the bladder support urinary tract health.

A 180-capsule bottle of SSAV capsules is a 30-day supply at the recommended dose of 6 capsules per day (3600 mg daily). While some people see immediate results, it may take up to 3 months or more to experience the full benefits. To experience the best results, it is recommended that you take six capsules per day for at least three months. 

If you experience indigestion when taking aloe vera, try eating something first to prevent this and/or take Calcium and Vitamin D3 with the aloe. Lab tests show they work better than any other form of calcium in raising the pH of foods to avoid stomach discomfort.

Vegan, gluten-free, and contains no anthraquinones, fillers, or artificial ingredients

INGREDIENTS: Each serving (3 capsules) contains 1800 mg of Organic Aloe Vera (Leaf and Inner Gel), 60 mg of calcium carbonate (to raise the pH of the Aloe), and trace amounts of silicon dioxide (a naturally occurring earth mineral) as a drying agent.

The Healing Crisis is often characterized by a temporary increase in symptoms during the cleansing or detox process, which may be mild to severe. You may feel worse and conclude that the food supplement is not working. But these reactions are signs that they are working and that your body is cleaning itself of impurities, toxins, and imbalances.

Such reactions are temporary and can occur immediately, within several days or even weeks, of a detox.

Symptoms usually pass within 1-3 days but can last several weeks on rare occasions.

If you suffer from a significant illness, the symptoms you experience during the healing crisis may be identical to the disease. Sometimes, discomfort during the healing crisis is of greater intensity than when you were developing the chronic condition.

This may explain why there may be a brief flare-up in one’s condition. To help you feel better faster, take the recommended SSAV dosage and drink plenty of clear liquid (especially water). This will help flush the toxins out of your system.

Occasionally, a dosage reduction or temporary cessation may be required until you feel better. It is important to seek the advice of your healthcare provider if your symptoms don’t subside within 2 weeks, as this would indicate you may not be in a healing crisis but may have another medical condition.

Finding long-term relief with SSAV can take time and patience.

Stick with the dosage recommendations and 3-month protocol.

Our patented process removes all water, insoluble fiber, and anthraquinones (naturally-occuring laxatives including aloin) and retains the pure, potent nutrients of Aloe Vera and highest quality and potency of polysaccharides (including d-mannose), glycoproteins, amino acids, antioxidants vitamins, minerals and enzymes in each capsule. By removing the anthraquinones, the caustic, carcinogenic latex chemicals in the Aloe Vera plant that cause diarrhea, Super-Strength Aloe Vera supplements are gentle and effective for those with pelvic pain, bladder pain and inflammation associated with Interstitial Cystitis (IC), Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS), Overactive Bladder (OAB) and additional autoimmune related conditions.

The process of removing these compounds makes our Aloe Vera safe for long-term use, without harsh side effects; an important distinction to our SSAV and consideration when taking Aloe Vera daily.


Recommended Dosage Protocol

MONTH 1: 6 capsules per day (3 in the morning / 3 in the evening).

If you are symptom-free after 30 days, continue taking 6 capsules per day for the next 60 days. If you still have symptoms after the first 30 days, move to month two.

MONTH 2: 9 capsules per day (3 in the morning / 3 in the afternoon / 3 in the evening).

If you are symptom-free after 60 days, continue taking 9 capsules per day for month three. If you still have symptoms after month two, move to month three.

MONTH 3: 12 capsules per day (4 in the morning / 4 in the afternoon / 4 in the evening).

*If symptoms do not respond within 3 months while following the 6/9/12 dosage recommendations, we assume that you are one of the 12.5% of patients who will not respond to Aloe Vera.

Keep in mind Aloe Vera is not a cure for Interstitial Cystitis (IC)/ Bladder Pain Syndrome, and symptoms may return when Aloe Vera is reduced or stopped.


A Maintenance Dose after Month Three: The daily dose can be decreased by one capsule per week until symptoms return.

When you notice symptoms return, increase the daily dose by one capsule and continue on this maintenance dose.


If you experience a bad day, adding 3 to 6 extra capsules at any time during the day may bring symptoms back under control. It is safe to take 21 capsules or more per day.


It does not matter whether you take the Super-Strength Aloe Vera SSAV capsules with or without food. If you experience indigestion when taking Aloe Vera, try eating something first to prevent this and/or try taking a Calcium Supplement and Vitamin D3 with SSAV.

It is important to drink 8 ounces of liquid with each dose. Do not take the evening dose at bedtime to avoid frequent trips to the bathroom during the night.